Great stories can change
the world.
We are a speaker agency with a difference. A big difference. We connect businesses with those taking action and making social and environmental change.

About us
Be part of the story. Be part of shaping a better world.
As far as we can see, there’s no other speaker agency like us on the planet.
So what makes us different from other speaker agencies? Well, we’ll tell you. All of our speakers are changemakers. All of them run grassroots projects on the frontlines of social and environmental change. They don’t just talk about change, they make change happen.
On top of that, a whopping fifty percent of speaker fees goes back into those projects so they can affect greater change. That’s not after agency fees or the cost of Sandra’s five lattes a day. That’s fifty percent of the total whack. Incredible, right?
This enables the businesses we work with to directly connect with these grassroots projects. Companies can both align their values with their speakers and give back in meaningful ways. Companies become invested in this change and become part of the story.
Our Mission
There’s a new way of doing business. And the world is ready for a new story.
We can’t all be on the frontlines of environmental and social change – gosh, who would run our finance teams and marketing departments? But we can all partake in a new way of doing business. Companies are no longer in business just for profit. Our teams and customers connect with us through our values, through what we stand for and care about. The best companies create culture. And events invite those who believe in our brand values into the fold. There, people gather around ideas, forge collective vision and breathe as one.
Changemaker Stories has created an innovative business model that both creates company culture through impactful speaker engagements and mobilises environmental and social change.
How it works
Let’s not just talk about change. Let’s make change happen, together.
There’s no quick fix to bettering our world. There’s no fast injection of cash that will solve all our problems. Making change is a process, one that takes stamina, ingenuity, compassion and agility. Our Changemakers have taught us this. As such, we believe in creating sustainable partnerships with brands that are invested in seeing change.
Whether you work with just one of our Changemakers once or partner with us to craft speaker programs across multiple events, we’ll keep you informed and up-to-date on the impact your company has had on our Changemaker’s projects. This can create powerful communications that galvanise people behind the projects, values and ideas your company believes in.